Earn Academic Credit for an Internship
What is an Academic Internship Course?
Career and Professional Development offers a series of classes called Academic Internship Courses. Please note the following information before enrolling:
- These courses can be taken as either a 0 or 1 unit course during the fall, spring, or summer semesters.
- Students must complete a minimum of 60 internship hours during the course of the semester in which they are enrolled.
- There are a variety of career development assignments to complete in order to receive academic credit.
- Classes are taught asynchronous and are facilitated through BrightSpace.
How to Enroll in an Academic Internship Course
- SECURE an internship prior to the start of the semester
- ENROLL in an academic internship course via PROWL
- Speak with your academic advisor to confirm which academic internship course is best for your experience
- Log in to PROWL to Enroll in a course through your academic program within the university’s registration deadline
- Once enrolled, select the “Schedule & Options” tab, highlight the “Hours” field, and edit to the desired unit (0 or 1). Otherwise, the course defaults to zero-unit.
- WAIT for further instruction from your Course Instructor at the beginning of the semester
NOTE: If your employer requires verification of your ability to earn academic credit/enrollment in a course. The Internship Credit form is available on the Registrar’s website, where a confirmation of student’s enrollment status and course will be issued on university letterhead.
Registration Timeline
Academic internship courses are currently available for registration via PROWL. CPD follows the university registration deadlines and policies, and strongly encourages students to register during the regular enrollment timeframes. CPD may allow for late adds up to the following dates:
Summer Session 1 | Regular Enrollment No later than May 17, 2024. Late Add Deadline: June 10, 2024 |
Summer Session 2 | Regular Enrollment No later than June 28, 2024. Late Add Deadline: July 8, 2024 |
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I register for an academic internship course if the registration deadline has passed?
If the registration deadline to add a course has passed, a Late Add Petition must be completed to add the course, which is available on the Registrar’s website. Students must fully complete the form, with a detailed explanation for late enrollment. Completing a Late Add Petition form does not guarantee enrollment, and is subject to review and approval.
How do I select a one (1) unit for a 0-1 unit course?
Login to PROWL. While in registration mode, enroll into the course of your choosing. Once enrolled, select the “Schedule & Options” tab, highlight the “Hours” field, and edit to the desired unit (0 or 1).
Credit will be awarded upon completion of all course requirements, including:
- Establish a minimum of three (3) learning objectives related to your internship with your supervisor and academic mentor (include these objectives in your Request an Experience form in Handshake)
- Attend professional development events to expand your network and industry knowledge
- Gain a deeper understanding of the career paths available through informational interview with alumni
- Reflect on your internship experience and how it has helped further your career goals
What if I need more than one unit?
Consult with your academic advisor to identify the best solution or course to satisfy your academic requirements.
Can I enroll in more than one academic internship course at a time?
No. You can only enroll and earn credit for (1) internship, in (1) course at a time, during a single semester. Consult with your academic advisor to select which course is best for your internship and academic program needs.
Can I complete two internships to meet the 60 hour minimum?
Yes, you can hold two internships at the same time to reach the 60 hour minimum, however, you can only receive credit for one (1) of the courses.
If I do not have an internship, can I enroll in an academic internship course?
It is encouraged that the internship is secured before enrolling in an academic internship course, as the experience should be concurrent with the course, and assignments begin the first week of school. Begin the internship search in the previous semester, to avoid running against the university’s registration deadlines. Drop in to CPD to speak with a Peer Advisor or book an appointment with a career coach for internship search resources.
How do I report my internship that is not part of an academic course?
Login to Handshake, select “Career Center” and “Experiences.” Choose to “Request An Experience”, the “General Experience” template, and complete the form with all information about your internship and supervisor.
Creating this form adds the experience to your Handshake profile for recruiters and peers to view. Your supervisor will receive an approval email for the experience directly from Handshake. Please have them check their junk or spam inbox in case the email from Handshake and contact your course instructor with questions during office hours.
Academic Internship Credit Courses (major specific and taught by CPD instructors)
Offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer | Virtual Only | Credit/No-Credit | Open to undergraduate and graduate students
ICBA 2100 | CBA Internships |
ICFA 2100 | CFA Internships |
ICLA 2100 | BCLA Internships |
ICSE 2100 | FSCSE Internships |
IFTV 2100 | SFTV Internships |
ISOE 2100 | SOE Internships |
NOTE: It is best to enroll in the college academic internship course where your major/program resides (i.e. biochemistry major will enroll in ICSE 2100 FSCSE Internships). If you are a double-major, consult with your academic advisor to identify which academic internship course is best for the experience.
LIBA 2050 Strategy of Career Development (not major specific and taught by CPD instructors)
Offered in Fall and Spring | 2 semester hours virtual or in-person | Credit/No-Credit | Open to all undergraduate students
This course utilizes the popular models of career theory and traditional personality assessments to help students identify interests, skills, and values and describe how they relate to a career choice. The decision-making model is utilized to synthesize personal information and research is conducted on employment trends. By the end of the course, students will be familiarized with the job search process including resume writing, interviewing skills, and job search strategies.
LMU Housing requires that students wishing to secure on-campus summer housing be enrolled in a course. Academic internship courses fulfill this requirement, therefore a student must at least be enrolled in an academic internship course to stay in campus housing, with a confirmed internship experience.
To learn how to obtain CPT to participate in an internship, be sure to visit OISS for the requirements, process and timeline to apply, secure and enroll within university deadlines. More information is available on the OISS website here.
Please contact Thuy Le at thuy.le@lmu.edu