LSAT Preparation Courses and Resources
Career and Professional Development highly recommends preparing for the LSAT by taking an LSAT preparation course. These courses can provide you with the skills and practice you will need to perform well on the law school entrance exam. Disclaimer: While we encourage LSAT preparation courses, we do not endorse any specific program. Below are a few of the programs offered regularly:
- LSAT Prep Materials
- LSAC “Preparing for the LSAT” Information
- Princeton Review LSAT Test Prep
- TestMasters LSAT Preparation
- Manhattan LSAT Course
- Velocity LSAT
- Blueprint LSAT Prep
Furthermore, Loyola Marymount University’s Philosophy Department provides a class that has been viewed by students as good, supplementary LSAT preparation:
- Philosophy 2010: Symbolic Logic
Additional Test Prep Resources
- Sample questions with explanations
- Official LSAC LSAT Test Prep Books
- Official LSAC LSAT Test Prep eBooks
Visit the Career and Professional Development Resource Center for additional test prep books available to use in our office.