Business+STEM Career Week

Students Networking with CBA Alumni

Tuesday, September 10- Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Business Profession Career Week is an opportunity for students to connect with alumni and employers in the business industry. Students can explore potential career pathways, expand their network, and hear from alumni in industries such as advertising, finance, information technology, physics, engineering, and more.

  • Events

    Get ready for Biz+STEM Career Week! Event dates are coming soon. Stay tuned for an exciting week of opportunities, networking, and career development in the business and STEM industries.

    Career Fairs

    LMU Business  & STEM Career Fair
    Thursday, September 26 | 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. | University Hall

    Join us for the LMU Biz+STEM Career Fair, an excellent opportunity for LMU students and alumni to explore job and internship opportunities in the business and STEM industries. Network with potential employers, showcase your skills, and make a lasting impression. CPD advises dressing professionally in business attire and bringing your resume to ensure you're prepared for success. Don't miss this chance to jumpstart your career!


  • Who will be there?

    Accomplished alumni, CPD career coaches, employers and students like you who are interested to hear from successful professionals in all areas of business.

    Why should I attend?

    • Meet and connect with LMU alumni working in business fields
    • Discover the career paths that business professionals have taken after graduating from LMU
    • Practice informational interviewing and hear advice from helpful LMU alumni
    • Expand your network and meet other students in the College of Business Administration

    How should I dress?

    Business casual is recommended for this event.

  • CPD will host all virtual events using Zoom Web Conferencing.

    Zoom Webinar

    Zoom is a cloud-based technology offering a full spectrum of web conferencing tools to help enhance online learning and increase productivity. All LMU faculty, student, and staff can create an LMU Zoom account.

    You can access Zoom Web Conferencing via web browser or download the application to a smart device. Learn how to create your Zoom Web Conferencing account.

    For additional information on how to log-in to a Zoom webinar visit the Zoom Help Center Joining and participating in a webinar (attendee)

  • Know who’s in the room

    • Review the employers and alumni and strategize who you would like to connect with after the event.
    • Set a goal (“I want to gain information about career opportunities that come with a degree from CBA” or “I plan to speak with four alumni to grow my network as I apply for internships”)

    Deliver your pitch

    • Be confident as you begin your conversations with alumni and introduce yourself by first and last name
    • Lead with eye contact and smile followed by “nice to meet you”
    • Share your class year, major and objective (“My goal is to work on the business side for a studio”)
    • Build rapport through questions and commonalities (“I see that you were an AIMS major. I am, too!" or "As a biology major, what student projects did you work on at LMU?”)

    Listen more than you speak

    • Engage in a conversation and allow for give and take. Ask questions and be curious.
    • Recognize who is in your conversation circle, extend an introduction to all
    • Create space for others to join the conversation and ask questions
    • Listen intently to remember key points from your conversation to include when you follow-up
    • Take notes throughout the event for future reflection and follow-up

    Ask questions

    • What did you do during your time at LMU that prepared you for your career?
    • What recommendations do you have for gaining experience or knowledge of your industry?
    • Can you describe the culture at (company name)?
    • What types of skills are needed for someone to be successful in your role?
    • May I follow-up with you after tonight to discuss your position and company?
    • Which industry publications do you read? Who are the industry influencers you follow? Which professional affiliations or groups do you belong to?

    Take the next step

    • Follow-up 24-48 hours after the event by email or LinkedIn (ask the alum’s preference)
    • Include a highlight from your conversation to remind the alum of who you are
    • Build a relationship by requesting an informational interview with alum
    • Schedule an appointment with a CPD Career Coach via Handshake to gain support on next steps (i.e. updating your LinkedIn profile, practicing interviewing or crafting follow-up communication)



Contact Naomi Shibley at